POV-Ray : Resources : Links : 3d model sites : 3D Resource

3D Animation Utilities

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3D Programs

3D Tutorials

POV-Ray People Pages


3D Discussion Forums

3D Link Sites

3D Model Sites

3D Resources

POV-Ray Include, Macro, and Object Files

3D Prototyping

100 most recently-added links

Dreams and Magic
3D Meshes 1 Small selection in 3DS and MAX formats.

Peak3D, 2d/3d modeller
Professional and interactive 2D/3D Modeler. Innovative Boolean 3D Algorithm, hierarchical POV-Ray 3.0 Texture Editor, programmable Interface and More. For Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP

Time Service Department
A department of the US Naval Observatory. The Official Source of Time for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Global Positioning System (GPS), and a Standard of Time for the United States.

Chris Cason
Chris Cason is the POV-Ray team coordinator and is also responsible for the windows version of POV-Ray. While not as publicly visible as some of the other team members Chris is a driving force behind POV-Ray. Chris maintains the POV-Ray home page, organizes the contents of the IRTC CD's, maintains the POV-Ray news server, and takes on the responsibility of funding all of the online resources for the POV-Team. Povray.org is his home page.

POV-TAG - The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
Established by the POV-Team (the current authors of the Persistence of Vision Raytracer) in late 1999, the TAG is made up of selected members of the POV-Ray user community. The purpose of the TAG is to aid the POV-Team in supporting users of POV-Ray around the world, using the collective knowledge of the group to answer users' POV-Ray questions and to bring POV-Ray related matters to the attention of the POV-Team as required.

PolyEdit: Japanese, made by the Doga team. A polygon editor with various 3D export capabilities.

3D Data Formats
Comprehensive list of 3D geometry formats. Also some 2D formats, audio formats, sundry computer data formats & special medical data formats, like EEG formats. 170 links. Maintained by Paul Bourke at the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing at Swinburne University.

Dennis Miller's Page
Images produced by graphic artist Dennis Miller (Requires the Macromedia Flash player to view the page).

The Ghastley Poser Page
Site contains a Poser gallery, tutorials, models and a 3D links page

Rhino 3D
Start with sketches, drawings, physical models, or only an idea Rhino provides the tools you need to accurately model your designs ready for rendering, animation, drafting, analysis, and manufacturing. Has export support for POV-Ray. This is a commercial program.

Borland C++ Compiler 5.5
The Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (BCC) is the core of Inprise's C++ compiler technology. Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing compiler. It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ compliance including the RTL, the STL framework and C++ template support. And now, Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is openly available for free download! Those wishing to compile the Windows version of POV-Ray for themselves *might* find this the perfect free solution.

Friedrich A. Lohmueller
Descriptions, tutorials and samples for the POV-Ray raytracing program.

Avi Creator
Create AVI files from Bitmaps and cons instantly. You can now modify the scale/rate of your AVIs. Very simple and free to use.

SCene EDitor/Animator original page. Sceda is a patched version of sced , the cool three dimensional modeller from Stephen Chenney. Looks very old (1995) X-based Unix only.

Programmers resources, loads of cool graphics programming related docs. Maintained by James Sharman and Richard Matthias.

Tiny program to edit and build AVI's. Requires Video for Windows.

Great Buildings Online
Free 3D Models of Great Buildings - 3DMF file format

An X-Windows based, constraint-oriented three dimensional wireframe modeller with full animation.

Darwin 3D
Many articles/programs about 3D-modeling & programming, including Inverse Kinematics, meshes, particle systems etc. Source code for example given. Especially of interest to game developers. Edited by Jeff Lander.

Great Escape Studios
StarTrek and Mech mesh models. High quality. Various formats available.

Silicon Dream Ltd - Genesis 3D editor
Available for Windows 3.1, 95 and NT - Looks pretty old

GLE Tubing and Extrusion Fact Sheet
The GLE Tubing and Extrusion Library is a graphics application programming interface (API). The library consists of a number of C language subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions. It uses OpenGL to do the actual drawing. Multiplatform code; maintained by Linas Vepstas.

GreyLight : Poser
Collection of Poser models including categories for - Clothing, Hair, Headgear - hats, Weapons

Global Illumination using Photon Maps
A paper on photon mapping by Henrik Wann Jensen at the Technical University of Denmark.

IB Rassmusan home page
Ib Rasmussen is an old hand with POV-Ray and his work is excellent. At this page you will find his image gallery plus he offers a section with POV-Ray related tips and techniques.

A program to transform BMP files generated by POV-Ray to a noncompressed AVI file. The main goal is the interlace option. Use 'Field_Render=On' and 'Odd_Field=On'. Then use BMP2AVI to correctly transform in an AVI file suitable for Premiere or other program. This program is intented (specially) for high resolution rendering for real video broadcast output.

Techno Win
2D/3D CAD.Full OLE 2.0 supports Multi Doc/View. Last updated 1996

Will allow you to preview a series of images before compiling as animation

Metropolis Light Transport
Eric Veach and Leonidas J. Guibas of Stanford present a new Monte Carlo method for solving the light transport problem, inspired by the Metropolis sampling method in computational physics.

Lightning Generator
A French Language Portal into the world of POV-Ray. Includes french language newsgroups, download pages, a gallery and POV-Ray links.

Powerful 3d modeller supporting POV and many other formats.

MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) Home Page
A PNG-like Image Format Supporting Multiple Images, Animation and Transparent JPEGs. Maintained by Greg Roelofs.

Margus Ramst
The Home page of Margus Ramst a member of the POV-Ray Technical Assistance group. You will find a gallery, few some scene files and some POV-Ray utilities here.

Linux animation utility with AVI, RAW and PPM input and DivX :-) output.

Modeling and Rendering of Metallic Patinas
An important component that has been missing from image synthesis is the effect of weathering. In this paper, we present an approach for the modeling and rendering of one type of weathering---metallic patinas.

Mark's Wagner's Home Page
Mark's page offers some POV-Ray related materials and has an interesting section on math.

Alternative download site for Display

Bicubic Patch Modeller
A Bicubic patch modeler: English/Japan. Windows. Very basic. Output PovRay.

Open CASCADE Technology
Open CASCADE Technology is a software development platform freely available in open source. It includes components for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development.

Mathematical Art
Polynomial, fractales, bioitÚration, landscape and more. Site contains a gallery of image produced using the above techniques plus offers include files for the creation of some of the images presented. Links to the include files are at the top of a few of the gallery pages.

DTA v3.0 Final Version
This is the newly released version of DTA 3.0 (Dave's Targa Animator) 12/99.

Blob Master
New Windows Blob Modelling Prog R 0.1a on 04-11-1999

OpenGL terrain
Example of using OpenGL for the generation of 3D terrain by Ing.Büro R.Tschaggelar, written in Delphi. Several other simple OpenGL examples exist on this site, some in Delphi, some in C++.

Mick Hazelgrove's Art Gallery
Mick shows what a teacher of art can do with POV-Ray. An outstanding presentaiton of POV-Ray's capabilities and Mr. Hazelgrove's talents.

Multitrack real-time audio and video editor adds sound to AVI's

Jan Fischer's homepage
Page about different 3-D programs ( Pov-Ray, Cinema 4D, Terragen and SPatch) and role-playing systems like Battletech. Some models can be downloaded for free.

BLOB Sculptor v2.0b
BLOB Sculptor 2.0b - BS is a blob/metaball modeller, that allows you to create unique organic shapes which can be incorporated into your favorite graphics rendering program. Using BS, you can create, position, and edit multiple blobs and their components, preview their interactions, and output the result to such formats as POV-Ray, PolyRay, and DXF (3D Studio, AutoCad) (78KB)

Paul Debevec Home Page
Projects in Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting at the Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California. This front page links to a large collection of articles and images. There are also links to illustrated abstracts from technical papers, and the papers themselves are available in PDF format. This is a top-rate site, even the link icons themselves are all works of art. Resources include a gallery of HDRI lightprobes.

POV-Ray Users Website
On the POV-Ray Users Website, users of POV-Ray can find information about each other. You can find general information, see photos, read biographies, and more! In the Submit Info section you can submit information about yourself.

Fast Movie Processor AVIS animation

LAVA- Architectural Models
A variety of high quality architectural 3D models in a variety of formats

Breeze Designer
Breeze Designer is a Windows 3D modelling and design tool for POV-Ray.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Home Site
The official PNG home page, maintained by Greg Roelofs. The site has introducory articles on PNG as well as it's complete specification. There are also articles about applications which support PNG, some programming resources and an example image gallery.

The POV-Ray Ring is a chain of sites dedicated to POV-Ray. It includes image galleries, file archives, tutorials, how-tos, project info, source code patches and more, but always related in some way or another to POV-Ray. Maintained by Rune Johansen.

Ligos Technology MPEG-2 encoders
Commercial MPEG encoding and video comprescion for digital video recording and multimedia in a software solution.

LBL ITG Whole Frog Project - MRI Data Sets
Near bottom of pate you will find ftp-links to MRI scanned data sets of a tomato, an orange, a pumpkin, a frog, and a rat.

Calimax Modeller Home (Deutsch)
Calimax Modeller is a 32-bit 3D modelling tool for Windows 9x,Me,NT and 2000. It gives you an easy-to-use graphical user interface for interactive modelling scenes for the Persistance of Vision raytracer.

POV-TAG - The POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
Established by the POV-Team (the current authors of the Persistence of Vision Raytracer) in late 1999, the TAG is made up of selected members of the POV-Ray user community. The purpose of the TAG is to aid the POV-Team in supporting users of POV-Ray around the world, using the collective knowledge of the group to answer users' POV-Ray questions and to bring POV-Ray related matters to the attention of the POV-Team as required.

Makers of high-quality codecs and animation tools.

Implicit surface modeller. CAPOW (Cellular Automata & Electric Power) is an ongoing research project of Rudy Rucker's which began as a project at CAMCOS at San Jose State University.

Real-Time Radiosity
A discussion on implementing Real-Time Radiosity by Nathan Vegdahl.

Pod - Home Page
Here you will find a gallery of Pod's work plus he has a download page with several progams he has written. A couple of these are useful for converting between different color formats.

LWO Objects
Free 4 obj's Soccer ball, coffee cup, Antique Steam train engine, Book

Real-Time Rendering Resources
The Web site for the book Real-Time Rendering, by Tomas Akenine-Möller and Eric Haines. It has links to information and excerpts from the book, as well as various resources.

The RSJ WebSite (RuneVision)
Site contains 3D images, include files, stereograms, tutorials, The POV Desktop Theme, The POV-Ray Logo Contest, music, 350+ raytracing jokes, and much more! Maintained by Rune Johansen a regular contributor in the POV-Ray news groups.

Converts MOV files into AVI files.

Human and Organic Modelling program

STEEL's Programming Resources - Tutorial Collection
An extensive collection of links to tutorials and information sites on various algorithms and techniques used in 2D and 3D computer graphics.

QuickTime Movie (.mov) to MPEG1 converter for Macintosh.

Ming 3D Toons Shop
Commercial Toon Models in LWO and 3DS format.

EB Model 3 for POV-Ray on Atari
Has support for most primitives, wireframe modeller, fractal hf generation (w isometric preview, erosion, antialiasing, mirror, invert), gourad/phong shaded preview, heirarcial representation of the scene, texture preview and it is for atari's only. May be possible to run on Atari emulators.

Tracing Ray Differentials
Antialiasing of ray traced images is typically performed by super-sampling the image plane. While this type of filtering works well for many algorithms, it is much more efficient to perform filtering locally on a surface for algorithms such as texture mapping. This paper by Homan Igehy, Stanford University, will be primarily of interest to ray-tracer engine programmers.

Remco de Korte
Games - Art - Design - Remco de Korte. Offers some interesting programs including a nice program for fonts with support for POV-Ray.

Movie Utils
At the Info Mac Hyper-archive, too many to list here.

Bryce Model Index
Small collection of OBP and .BTO files (Bryce only formats) and .MJL files (MojoWorld only format). Free for personal use

Forester, a new!3D 'sculpting' program. Forester allows a Terragen scene to be 'populated' with POV-Ray objects, eg trees, rocks, buildings, etc (in fact anything that can be modelled in POV-Ray).

Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
VRML allows to create "virtual worlds" networked via the Internet and hyperlinked with the World Wide Web.

Steve's 0 PPS Home Page
A gallery of his work with POV-Ray source files for each image, plus some include files for traffic lights and a screwdriver and some utilities (at the bottom of the POV page)

The ultimate source for Mpeg information. You can find the CMPEG program here

Moray home.page
Moray Objects Collection (about 150 in MDL format) last updated 2001.

Fullmoon - Moray Scripting Plug-in
This plugin is an attempt to make object plugin coding for Moray easier, by allowing authors to code them using a script language.

Marching Triangles is a surface based approach to implicit surface polygonisation. It provides: polygonisation of open surfaces; dynamic integration of new implicit surface regions; efficient representation and reduced computation cost.

Mpeg2 Encoder and Decoder
Works only with .ppm image files

National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project
Human full scan MRI and CT scan data sets. The Visible Human Project® is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan. It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimeter intervals, the female at one-third of a millimeter intervals.

Giram is a POV-Ray oriented modeller for Linux using the GTK+ toolkit.

1998 SIGGRAPH Course: Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
A Caltech course presented by Peter Schröder Denis Zorin on subdivision surfaces. Complete course notes and a few Java applets.

Thorsten R. Frohlich Website
Thorsten Frohlich is a POV-Team member and is now responsible for the Macintosh port of the program. Thorsten is active on the POV-Ray news groups and manages the Official Mac-OS info page at povray.org

Meshes, models: .dxf .3ds .max , sculpture

HamaPatch Modeller
HamaPatch is a free spline based patch modeler for the Windows environment which exports in POV-Ray format (amongst others).

An Introduction to Physically Based Modelling
Lecture notes from the SIGGRAPH '95 course by Andrew Witkin, David Baraff and Michael Kass. In PDF format.

Uncle Tyler's Get Away
Maintained by: Ken Tyler who proudly proclaims that he has the largest list of POV-Ray related links ever made available on the net. Ken freely donates his time helping other POV-Ray users on the POV-Ray newsgroups and on c.g.r.r. plus he maintains the links page at povray.org and is now a member of the POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group.(Updated Aug 2002)

Part Server
Free mechanical parts, sorted by manufacturers. 3DS, STL, VRML, XGL and various CAD formats.

ARANZ is an established developer of 3D scanning and modelling technology for applications as diverse as movie-making, geological modelling and medicine. ARANZ supplies both hardware and software solutions to industry.

United Artists Galleries
This page is a collection of images created by various users of POV-Ray. The images are all of excellent quality and really show off some of it's capabilities. The source code for the images is available for study and you are encouraged to donate your art work to the collection.

Poitra Visual Communications Model Catalog
Poitra introduces its premier and historic 3d models and custom modeling service. Extensive listing of high quality models for commercial applications.

HiRes Subdivision Software
Highres will allow you to take low detail 3D models and convert them to higher resolution 3D models with a variety of tools available to accomplish this.

CG&A: Abstract: On-the-Fly Texture Computation For Real-Time Surface Shading
This article explores the issues related to rendering realistic surfaces using standard texture-mapping hardware. Such hardware enables the rapid rendering of color-mapped surfaces with interpolated surface shading. By computing textures on the fly using new algorithms, this article extends the domain to bump mapping, Phong shading and reflection mapping in combination. The efficiency of the algorithms arises from a combination of caching data in parametric arrays and using tables for fast evaluation of shading functions. These tables are computed efficiently by making use of angular coherence.

Camel's MPEGJoin is a small utility to join MPEG files. It's a very simple program and all it does is join MPG files but it does this very well if used correctly..

Poser Models
Poses, Textures, Morphs - All natural

KPovModeler is a modeling and composition program for creating POV-Ray (TM) scenes in KDE. KPovModeler supports now almost all functionality of POV-Ray 3.1.

Copyright 2003-2021 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.