4.7.1 To speed up rendering as much as possible on the Mac
If you are in the beginning stages of scene creation, you often find yourself editing, rendering, editing,
rendering, etc. To speed this up, try shrinking the image size to 32x32, and using the quick_color statements and
setting the Image Quality down to about 3. Also turning off the Preview Window during rendering speeds up POV-Ray a
lot, sometimes 3 times faster! If you are generating a final scene, try temporarily booting your Mac with no (or few)
extensions on. Some of these, especially screen savers, file sharing, virtual memory, and network connections, can
really slow things down. POV-Ray grabs more time if it is in the foreground, so don't switch it out behind others.
Also, choose the Preferences item from the Edit menu, and set the Application Friendliness throttle way up. Doing all
of these can dramatically speed up the scene generation.