Function as pattern
Allows you to use a function { } block as pattern.
pigment {
Declaring a function: By default a function takes three parameters (x,y,z) and you do not have to explicitly
specify the parameter names when declaring it. When using the identifier, the parameters must be specified.
#declare Foo = function { x + y + z}
pigment {
function { Foo(x, y, z) }
On the other hand, if you need more or less than three parameters when declaring a function, you also have to
explicitly specify the parameter names.
#declare Foo = function(x,y,z,t) { x + y + z + t}
pigment {
function { Foo(x, y, z, 4) }
Using function in a normal:
#declare Foo = function { x + y + z}
normal {
function { Foo(x, y, z) } [Bump_Size]
All float expressions and operators (see section "User-Defined Functions") which are
legal in POV-Ray. Of special interest here is the pattern option, that makes it possible to use patterns
as functions
#declare FOO = function {
pattern {
User defined functions (like equations).
Since pigments can be declared as functions, they can also be used in functions. They must be declared first. When
using the identifier, you have to specify which component of the color vector should be used. To do this, the dot
notation is used: Function(x,y,z).red
#declare FOO = function {pigment { checker } }
pigment {
function { FOO(x,y,z).green }
POV-Ray has a large amount of pre-defined functions. These are mainly algebraic surfaces but there is also a mesh
function and noise3d function. See section "Internal Functions" for a complete list and
some explanation on the parameters to use. These internal functions can be included through the functions.inc include
#include "functions.inc"
#declare FOO = function {pigment { checker } }
pigment {
function { FOO(x,y,z).green & f_noise3d(x*2, y*3,z)}
More about ""User-Defined Functions""
More about ""Internal Functions""