2.5.10 Cutaway Textures
difference | intersection {
When using a CSG difference or intersection to cut away parts of an object, it is sometimes desirable to
allow the object to retain its original texture. Generally, however, the texture of the surface that was used to do
the cutting will be displayed. Also, if the cutting object was not given a texture by the user, the default
texture is assigned to it.
By using the cutaway_textures keyword in a CSG difference or intersection, you specify that you do not
want the default texture on the intersected surface, but instead, the textures of the parent objects in the CSG should
be used. POV-Ray will determine which texture(s) to use by doing insidedness tests on the objects in the
difference or intersection. If the intersection point is inside an object, that object's texture will be used (and
evaluated at the interior point). If the parent object is a CSG of objects with different textures, then the
textures on overlapping parts will be averaged together.